Pine Warbler

Come to Spruce Valley Fall Fair! Country life involves a fall fair, and you can expect nothing less in Carolyn's third book. Join the characters in each of the seasons: winter winds, spring miracles, summer banter, and the Spruce Valley Fall Fair. New memories are captured as friendships grow and new relationships develop. Pine Warbler has 131 pages and each chapter begins with a beautiful pencil sketch by Anne Brolley. The book cover is a gentle watercolour welcoming you into the third Spruce Valley novel. Pine Warbler is an exceptional companion for Mourning Dove and Barn Swallows.

Size:8.25" x 5.50"
Purchase Now$12.95

Artist Bio

Carolyn J. Morris writes books enjoyed by all ages. Her books show respect for rural living, farm life and family values. Her series: Railfence Bunch, combines rhyme, rhythm and repetition.

Carolyn's country roots began on the family farm on the 10th line of the old Nottawasaga Township. Carolyn's passion fills her classroom, home, and church life.

Her storytelling in the classroom for over 30 years has extended to speaking engagements and workshops for all ages. Carolyn enjoys hiking and exploring antique shops across Ontario.