Purse-Striped and Hand Felted

A colourful striped hand-felted purse made with natural fibers in shades of blue, green, yellow, and red is a vibrant and stylish accessory!

Since the purse is made with natural fibers, it feels soft and comfortable to the touch while also being environmentally friendly. Such a handmade item not only showcases craftsmanship but also supports sustainable practices in fashion. This purse is a statement piece that adds joy and personality to any wardrobe.

Medium:Felting - Sewing
Size:11" x 11"
Purchase Now$120.00

Artist Bio

Corrie was born in the Netherlands.There she studied at the Art Academy in Amsterdam. Then taught crafts and childcare and psychology at a vocational school before immigrating to Canada in 1969.
In 1973 she studied weaving and spinning and dying with Edna Blackburn.
Of the many media that Corrie has worked in , textiles are her favourite.
In 2006 she reopened a weaving studio, she called "the flying shuttle"in Angus Ontario where she taught weaving to mentally challenged adults for four years. This was a successful venture.
Today Corrie is an active member of the Nottawasaga Weavers and Spinners Guild.
She lives in Barrie, Ontario.