Music Festival General Rules - 2025


  • All classes, unless otherwise stated, shall be open to amateurs only. An amateur shall be defined as follows: "Any person whose principal means of livelihood is not, or has not been obtained from the profession or practice of the arts, even if he or she from time to time accepts remuneration for services rendered". Ensembles (Bands and Choirs) may have a professional director.
  • Participants must enter at the current grade level of accomplishment or higher.
  • A participant MAY enter more than twice in the same class unless otherwise indicated in the class description in the Syllabus.
  • Recorded accompaniment will not be permitted in any music class except Popular Voice. Accompaniment track for Popular Voice must be instrumental only; backup vocals are not allowed.

  • Piano, guitar and harp are accepted accompaniment instruments.

  • All entries must be filled in completely, accompanied by the entry fee, and submitted by the closing date. It is the responsibility of the participant to ensure the entry form is completed IN FULL. Entering "TBD" in a field is not acceptable and will be subjected to an administration fee of $5.00 per class, with the exception of pre-Grade One Instrumental classes.
  • The deadline for entries is February 19th, 2025 at 5:00 pm. Entries received after this deadline will be subjected to a late fee of $5.00 per class.

  • Entries received on or before February 1st, 2025 are eligible for an early bird discount of $2 per class. Online entries will automatically have the discount applied to registration fees. Any entries received after February 1st will be charged the regular fee.
  • Performances must be appropriate for all ages. Offensive, profane or inappropriate lyrics or messages are are not acceptable.

  • The SSAC Music Festival Committee reserves the right to refuse any entry at its discretion.
  • The SSAC Music Festival Committee reserves the right to cancel a specific discipline if there are fewer than 10 entries for that discipline.
  • Payment of application fee indicates authorization by the parent/guardian to release photos of the participant for media and the SSAC website, and indicates that they have read and understand the rules and obligations of festival participants.
  • Any entry involving more than one featured performer must use the ENSEMBLE entry form. This includes duets, trios, small ensembles and choirs.

  • All entries Gr.1 and higher MUST include title, composer and duration of the piece being performed in each class. Musical Theatre pieces should indicate the show/movie the song is from. Please include opus numbers, catalogue information (ex. K455, BWV29, etc) and movement in "Movements/Musical" field of application.

  • NEW THIS YEAR: Participants may change the title of pieces up until February 26th. Please note, you can only change the TITLE, not the class. Any changes requested after February 26th will be subjected to an administration fee of $5 per class.

  • The performance schedule will be posted on the SSAC website and the teacher and participant will be notified by email and given a link to the schedule at that time.


  • The Music Festival Committee may adjust, combine, or subdivide any classes listed in the Official Syllabus if the number of entries requires such actions.
  • Most classes are held on a weekday and may be scheduled in the morning, afternoon or evening. Requests for special scheduling consideration due to possible conflicts MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THE APPLICATION. We will do our best to accommodate special requests within reason. Once the schedule is set, there will be no provision made for schedule changes.
  • The Music Festival is not responsible for missed performances or student cancellations, and no refunds will be given.

  • The adjudicator reserves the right to disqualify any participant who is not ready to perform when called. Classes will not be delayed to accommodate latecomers.
  • The Festival Committee reserves the right to appoint additional or substitute adjudicators.
  • Repeats should be observed according to the current RCM syllabus. Da Capo and Dal Segno passages are not considered to be repeats and shall be observed.
  • Memorization is not required in piano, voice or string classes, however the adjudicator may consider this when rating the performance. If material is used for the performance, both the performer and the adjudicator MUST have an original copy. Drama and Speech Arts performances must be memorized.
  • All performers must provide the adjudicator with an original copy of their music or speech arts material. Selections obtained from the Internet will be accepted only if the music or script is accompanied by a receipt and notification of payment. Performers who wish to photocopy may do so with written permission from the publisher. If music is used for the performance, both the performer and the adjudicator MUST have an original copy. Performers using photocopied music without permission will be adjudicated only and will not be considered eligible for awards or receive a certificate. Collaborative musicians may work from photocopies.

  • A music stand will be provided for a group director only. Group members need to provide their own music stands.
  • The use of all flash photography during the performances is strictly prohibited. Photographing the adjudicator or persons other than your own family is strictly prohibited.
  • Questions, conflicts, or problems during the Music Festival should be directed to the Music Festival Host, not the Adjudicator. The adjudicator shall not be approached at any time by the Teacher, Parent, or Student.
  • Adjudication and Judging Criteria - Each participant will receive a written adjudication. A Certificate of Achievement will be awarded for Gold, Silver, or Bronze. The following guidelines will be used by the adjudicator to determine the ratings: Gold 85 – 100, Silver 80-84, Bronze 70 – 79. Unless these standards are achieved, the Certificate will be withheld regardless of the number of entrants in the class.

  • The certificate levels awarded by the Adjudicator are final.

  • Anyone wishing to qualify for a special Scholarship Award must perform in three or more solo or duet classes, NOT including sight-reading, quick study or master class.
  • All special Scholarship Awards are given at the absolute discretion of the Adjudicator(s) and do not necessarily have to be awarded if the required standard of performance is not met. In all matters connected with Scholarship Awards, the decision of the Adjudicator shall be final. Complaints must be made in writing to the Festival Committee.

  • The SSAC Music Festival has been generously supported by its local businesses. Over $2500 in awards are presented every year. These awards are chosen by the Adjudicator and are presented to the winners at the Spotlight on the Arts Concert and Award ceremony in June 2025.
  • Selected performers chosen by the Music Festival Committee may be asked to perform at the Spotlight on the Arts Concert.

  • The adjudicators are asked to recommend participants to represent the South Simcoe Arts Council Music Festival at the Ontario Provincial Music Festival (OMFA). Students must perform at least two pieces in a discipline to be eligible for Provincials.

  • Students who are recommended to compete in Provincials are responsible for all registration and associated costs.

  • For information regarding OMFA, please check their website:
  • Failure to comply with any of the above Rules may render the participant liable to disqualification for entry or awards.