Adult Poetry - Honourable Mention

Birds/Closed Doors

by Sarah Hyde

There was once
Just once
My heart was a free thing
Not locked up
Behind closed doors
(A bird singing bright
Wings lifted on unseen currents
While all around him fell
Towers and spaceships
And souls into the pit)

Bodies aren't meant
To imprison souls or hearts
And they rot away
Opening closed doors
To release captives
(and hearts are not birds
Free to fly
In skies bare of shrapnel)

I think I said these things
To you…

Angry words flew
(birds in skies
Filled with falling airplanes)

And doors SLAMMED
Shut tight
Making prisoners of hearts
And souls
All of the doors CLOSED

Somewhere, some time
Closed doors opened anew
On wails of sirens
Beeps of machines
Sucking, slipping sounds
When scalpels made doors
And then the doors slid shut
When a soul flew
(a bird in skies
Free of shrapnel)

One final door
A soul entombed
A heart held captive
(a bird with no wings
And no sky)

No freedom
Never to be seen again
To be unknown

There's an Irish singer
(you'd like him, dove)
And he said that some people
Are better
(a bird unseen
Never flies
In skies full of shrapnel)