2023 Syllabus - Youth Contest

Please make sure to read all of the submission requirements and rules

Youth - Script for Stage and Screen

Short script written for stage or screen. One scene, max running time 10 mins.
Script should include brief character summary and necessary stage instructions. Must not have been previously performed.

ClassY3S - Youth Script (age 14-17 years)FeeRegistration Closed

Youth - Short Stories

Single Author Short Stories

ClassJS - Junior Short Story (Ages 8 - 10) Max 500 wordsFeeRegistration Closed
ClassIS - Intermediate Short Story (Ages 11 - 13) Max 750 wordsFeeRegistration Closed
ClassYS - Youth Short Story (Ages 14 - 18) Max 1500 wordsFeeRegistration Closed

Youth - Challenge Class

Entries must include a theme or phrase chosen by the Creative Works committee.
Choose one of the following challenges:

Write a story on the following theme: You're walking down the street when you spot a familiar figure. It's another you. They've come from an alternate reality sent to warn you about something. The theme should be an integral part of the plot, not merely incidental.


Write a short story including these six words: gasoline, mascara, spatula, spider, retreat, scatter.
Challenge words can be in any order throughout the story, and should be in bold font.

ClassYSC - Youth Short Story Challenge (Ages 14 -18) Max 1500 wordsFeeRegistration Closed

Youth - Poetry


ClassIP - Intermediate Poetry (Age 11 - 13) Max 30 linesFeeRegistration Closed
ClassYP - Youth Poetry (Ages 14 - 18) Max 60 linesFeeRegistration Closed