This spring SSAC has ushered in a new collaborative exhibit between our Visual Artists and Writers.
Visual Artists submitted works that tell a story and the Authors were given the opportunity to interpret and relay that story in 300 words or less. Both the images and the accompanying stories or poetry will be shared in store and featured here in our blog throughout the next seven weeks.
Artwork Created By: A Starving Artist - Atswei
Medium: Acrylic
God Is Calling (Ode to Ukraine)
by Angie Rose-Carnegie March 2022
Towards the light…towards the light…
Softly I float towards it.
I hear them singing to me.
Are they angels or sirens?
I jolt away as I remember.
I need to stay.
I need to protect my children,
Against the menacing bear.
The soft voices coax me.
I feel them beckoning me to join them.
The pain recedes as I drift upwards
Towards their brightness.
Pound! Pound! Pound!
The bombs fall, never ceasing.
I hurtle backwards and
The pain shoots through me.
Through closed eyes I see
The curtain of red,
Blood wiped clear as the souls
Rise together.
I try to remember
Why am I so cold?
What is this darkness that surrounds me?
Where are my little ones?
Heavenward I see my little girl
Clutching her brother's hand.
I ache at my failure and
I surrender towards the light.
God is calling.
Thank you for reading! We hope you enjoyed this installment of 1000 Works. Please stop by our store to enjoy the art in person if you have a chance.
Like what you see? Want to take it home? Purchase this Painting HERE