This spring SSAC has ushered in a new collaborative exhibit between our Visual Artists and Writers.
Visual Artists submitted works that tell a story and the Authors were given the opportunity to interpret and relay that story in 300 words or less. Both the images and the accompanying stories or poetry will be shared in store and featured here in our blog throughout the next seven weeks.
Artwork Created By: Art by Roslyn
Medium: sumi-e, washi on wood
Size: 6.5" x 14.5"
Out of Reach
by Annette Chiappe
She discovered her life was in shambles and thought she wasn't going to make it. She felt so lost, and that happiness would never be in her grasp. She took one last look at her pain as a victim and decided that she must let go of the fear, be responsible for her life and live with the consequences.
That day she walked out the door from everything she'd tried to hold together, her negative relationships, the failing business, food addictions and she went to sleep on a friend's couch. That same day she started therapy.
Nothing is truly out of reach when you want it bad enough. She wanted life to be filled with joy, good relationships, a career she could love and self-love. People always claimed that she couldn't heal herself. But she proved herself right!
Is joy out of reach? Never!
Is a dream out of reach? Never!
Is self-love out of reach? Never!
So off she went exploring every single detail of her life, stripping away the old, conditioned belief that things were out of reach and brought them into reach.
Today she has healthy relationships, helps others through a business she loves and manages her mental wellness like she always dreamed of. Now she knows and will always believe that NOTHING is out of reach.
Thank you for reading! We hope you enjoyed this installment of 1000 Works. Please stop by our store to enjoy the art in person if you have a chance.
Like what you see? Want to take it home? Purchase this Painting HERE