Coming Soon... - 1000 Words IV

Feb 27, 2025 - Apr 17, 2025

A picture is worth a thousand words. What happens when you combine words and images? Back by popular demand, this year both writers and artists are invited to share their work around a common theme.

'Artifacts' - Explore the realm of archeology, mystery and the supernatural

Interested in participating in this exhibit? Artists and writers will create wall art, a poem or short story on the theme of Artifacts. Submissions are due February 20th. Accepted submissions will be displayed on the walls of FortyOne.

Visual Artists:

  • Must be members of SSAC
  • To apply for this Exhibit, please login to SSAC's website and choose "Apply to 1000 Words IV" from the Gallery drop down menu.


  • Writing must be max. 200 words
  • To apply to have your short story or poem included in this exhibit, click the button below and fill out the application form.

  • Click below to submit your writing online for this exhibit.

    Apply Now

    Massimo (Max) Grasso

    Born and raised in Rome, Italy I was enchanted by the beauty and art of the Eternal City. I began taking pictures and I tried to express with images the greatness of its history and beauty.
    I like different forms of art, from music (classical, Jazz, Country, Rock) to poetry, paintings and Photography.
    I earned a Doctor degree in Chemistry in Italy and a degree in photography at Georgian College in Barrie, I find them very similar because a great image require the correct chemistry of colours!
    Over the years I captured images to describe beauty and used them to create art as much as I could.
    I lived originally in Montreal and moved to Ontario and I had the fortune of traveling across the country because of my work from Coast to Coast.
    In my travels I was able to capture images in Canada, Italy, USA and most recently in the Galapagos Islands.
    I feel that Photography can be a difficult form of Art because the results especially in the digital age are too often quick and immediate.
    Sometimes creativity is enhanced when the images of beauty are transformed into Art in the dark room or on a computer by the photographer.
    Most of the images I show are captured with a digital camera and enhanced digitally afterwards.
    I hope you will see in these images the development and greatness of Life.


    FortyOne: Local Art Market

    FortyOne: Local Art Market

    Since 2015 the South Simcoe Arts Council (SSAC) has been providing a retail space for local artisan entrepreneurs with our store front, FortyOne: Local Art Market in downtown Alliston, to showcase and sell their work


    FortyOne: Local Art Market
    41 Victoria St E
    Alliston, ON