Daily Bread

Daily Bread
by Erin Henderson
Inspired by "Daily Bread" by Gail Moore

"Come, old boy," my Human said, "let's ride this friendly trail."
He climbed upon his bicycle, I wagged my scraggly tail.
He strapped our bread upon his bike and scratched behind my ears.
A habit that he n'er forgot throughout the many years.
On that fine day, my friend and I, we travelled side by side.
I felt such joy inside my heart, his smile he couldn't hide.
We ventured to our favourite spot, a bench beside a pond.
He settled down beside me, so grateful for our bond.
I lay upon my back and my human rubbed my belly.
He never seemed to mind that I was just a little smelly.
I placed my head within his lap and looked up at my friend,
and knew that I was lucky to have love until end.
He smiled at me and scratched my ear, "Good boy, good dog" he said.
Then reached back to his bike and unwrapped our daily bread.
He broke it down the middle and he shared one half with me,
My kind and loving human whom I love so desperately.

Artist:Gail Moore
Size:14" x 21" (Framed: 14" x 21")
Purchase Now$250.00

Artist Bio

"To be creative is to let little pieces of your heart go & place them into each project you make".

For as long as I remember I have been into almost anything and everything creative! I've gone through all the fads – macramé, folk art, ceramics, knitting, needlepoint and cross stitch. Things I can make for myself and for other people make me happy! Saying that, I haven't always had the amount of time to devote to my creativity that I would have liked as I raised 3 wonderful daughters, worked full time plus, and had a very busy life. Once I retired in 2020 and moved to Angus I have devoted much more time and energy into keeping busy with artful endeavours. It is my happy place!

I am a visual artist and photographer working mainly in watercolour, pen and inks and photography. I love light and colour and strive to continuously be learning new ways to be creative, inspired and to have fun!