The Frog Series delves into the fascinating world of frogs, highlighting their remarkable diversity and unique characteristics. Each piece captures the vibrant essence of these creatures, combining playful colors and dynamic forms to evoke a sense of joy and wonder. Through this exploration, I aim to celebrate not only the beauty of frogs but also the wealth of knowledge they represent. This body of work reflects a commitment to mastering techniques while embracing a spirit of fun and creativity, inviting viewers to engage with the playful yet profound nature of these amphibians.
Series contains:
Leopard Frog, Acrylic on canvas- close up of the cheek of the frog,
Green Frog, Acrylic on canvas- close up of a green frog on green lake
Anura, mix medium- representation of the changing cells of the frog skin
Colonel Frog, sculpture-fun play on words and correlation to my personal self, a group of frogs is an Army
Llyfant, wood sculpture- celtic frog in welsh gives the name. This in england is a good luck charm
Day 2, sculpture mix medium- day1 is birth, day 2 is eggs, day3 can be the birth of a tadpole
Purchase Now | $235.00 |
Lee-Ann has demonstrated her love of art from a very young age. She has her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Georgian College, graduating with honours, in 2010. Lee-Ann also accomplished multiple scholarships and awards before acquiring her degree. In addition, she has her Interior Decorating Certificate, from Humber College.
Lee-Ann majored in sculpture and printmaking which she frequently applies to her paintings and drawings. She effectively allows her work to reflect the many personal experiences and life events while producing a vast eclectic body of work. Her work, frequently encompasses re-purposing, repetition, and a diversity in mediums.
Lee-Ann's has displayed her work in a number of exhibits: as a solo artist and as a participant in group shows. She currently resides in New Lowell with her family who are a constant source of support, as she serves in the Canadian Armed Forces and continues to produce her art.
Lee-Ann teaches often, continuing to promote and encourage the effectiveness of art in all walks of life.