Coastal Clothesline in Newfoundland

by Lorraine King
Inspired by "Coastal Clothesline in Newfoundland" by Pat Earl

When you think of Newfoundland what pictures come to mind?
Strong winter storms; ice burgs in spring; puffin birds to find?

Homes brightly coloured, like their clotheslines one can see
(Newfoundland is built on rock with 'ponds' and stunted trees!)

Perhaps you picture the wonders in Gros Morne National Park
Or maybe L'Anse aux Meadows, where Vikings made their mark!

We made a trip to Newfoundland not very long ago
There are so many memories but our favourite one we know

It's the Newfoundlander people who's spirit shines so bright
Their hospitality, music and friendliness; what is there not to like?

We were "Screeched" in with the 'Golden Elixer' & by kissing the famous Cod
Now we are Honorary Newfoundlanders who are proud to give them the nod!

Artist:Patricia Earl
Medium:Acrylic on canvas, shells & driftwood
Size:8" x 10" (Framed: 16" x 14.25")
Purchase Now$350.00

Artist Bio

Patricia L. Earl paints to convey the light, colour, and mood of what she
sees and feels around her as Mother Nature so generously provides. She
doesn't have to travel far to find subjects that inspire her. The gentle rolling
hills, farmlands, forests, and wild flowers that she loves to paint are found in
abundance in Ontario's countryside, on the hiking trails, and in her own
backyard. Some of her inspiration comes from her view from the
pillion/backseat of their motorcycle as she and husband Jim travel the Ontario
countryside or American southwest.
In her studio, Pat enjoys painting with both acrylics and watercolours.
Watercolours are her favourite medium as she loves the
freshness of the medium, the flexibility to apply and pour colours directly on
the paper, watching as a painting begins to evolve, often finishing details with
her brush. Pat enjoys the constant challenge of keeping the white of the paper
and using the transparency of watercolours to ultimately make the painting glow.
Pat's original watercolour and acrylic paintings can be viewed her website: